
Marilyn Gardiner

Over 10 years ago, Marilyn Gardiner fell into beading while spending some time in Tucson, Arizona, during the annual gem shows in February. She enrolled in as many classes as she could and never looked back. A retired teacher, with a love of math and a graphic design background thrown in for good measure, Marilyn is intrigued by the patterns and geometric shapes in nature and in man-made products such as textiles, art glass, and architecture. She founded Marilyn Gardiner Jewellery Design and sells her chain maille and beading kits both online and at bead shows across Canada and in the U.S. Based in Waterloo, Ontario, Marilyn is a popular teacher at bead shows and also at bead stores around Southwestern Ontario and across the border in Buffalo, New York. Her background as an educator is evident in her clearly written and easy to follow kit instructions.

In 2007, Marilyn was selected as the “Artist in Residence: Beadwork” at the Joseph Schneider Haus in Kitchener, Ontario, and in 2011 she was invited to include pieces in an international beadwork exhibit at the JOGS Gem and Jewelry Show.

Marilyn is the chairperson of the Grand River Bead Society based in Guelph, Ontario. You can find out more at www.marilyngardiner.com.
  • Email: mg@marilyngardiner.com
  • Website: http://www.marilyngardiner.com

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