Mary Karg
Mary considers herself a wearable artist rather than a jewelry designer. She seldom makes the same thing twice, although she will get hooked on something she can’t quit until the itch is totally scratched: Mask/Faces, dragged dots, windows, color pencil on metal, and lately it’s the “Botany Gone Bad” series.
She's had some great teachers along the way: Juanita Hill, John Winter, Jim Smircich, Robert Dancik, Jillian Moore, Deb Karash, Met Innmon, Kim St. Jean, Kaska Firor, Marjorie Langston, and Terry Hale. And she’s also had fantastic students that have inspired more than they know.
Karg is usually plugging away in her studio in Loveland, Ohio, at the Loveland Art Studios on Main. But she’s been known to schlep her stuff to various parts of the U.S. including big shows like Tucson, Bead&Button, and Bead Fest, but also really enjoys the intimacy of trunk shows. Mary's been fortunate to have her work grace the pages of Bead&Button, Lapidary Journal, 1000 Glass Beads, 500 Beaded Objects, Beads of Glass, Glass Bead Evolution, and has been in exhibits and traveling shows.